Saturday, April 18, 2020

New Boss and Message Composition free essay sample

The â€Å"You† Attitude: 1. We request that you have the order form supplied in the back of our catalog. So that your order is processed properly, please complete the order form located in the back of our catalog. 2. We insist that you always bring your credit card to the store. Having a credit card will most definitely provide a fast and enjoyable experience in the store. 3. We want to get rid of all our 15-inch monitors to make room in our warehouse for the 19-inch screens. Thus we are offering a 25 percent discount on all sales this week. This week only, receive a 25 percent discount when you purchase 15-inch monitors. 4. I am applying for the position of bookkeeper in your office. I feel that my grades prove that I am bright and capable, and I think I can do a good job for you. It will take a person who possesses all the applicable assets to fulfill your bookkeeper position; that candidate is me. We will write a custom essay sample on New Boss and Message Composition or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5. As requested, we are sending the refund for $25. On our behalf, a refund in the amount of $25 will be sent directly to you. Emphasizing the Positive: . To avoid the loss of your credit rating, please remit payment within 10 days. Submitting a payment within 10days will prevent any changes on your credit rating. 7. We don’t make refunds on returned merchandise that is soiled. I understand you would like to return merchandise; unfortunately, refunds cannot be issued for unclean merchandise. 8. Because we are temporarily out of Baby Cry dolls, we won’t be able to ship your order. Due to a high demand of Baby Cry dolls, it may take longer for your order to arrive. 9. You failed to specify the color of the blouse that you ordered. Let’s review your order so that we can find out how we can fix the problem. 10. You should have realized that waterbeds will freeze in unheated houses during the winter. Therefore, our guarantee does not cover the valve damage and you must pay the $9. 50 valve-replacement fee (plus postage). Paying the valve-replacement and postage fee of only $9. 50 is all that is needed to ship you a new valve covered with our guarantee. Emphasizing the Positive: 11. The new boss is inflexible when it comes to doing things by the book. 12. When you say we’ve doubled our profit level, you are mistaken. 3. Just be careful not to make any unwise choices this week. 14. Jim Riley is unskilled for that kind of promotion. 15. Glen monopolizes every meeting by being forceful. Courteous Communication: 16. You claim that you mailed your check last Thursday, but we have not received it. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it appears that we have not received the check that was mailed out Thur sday. 17. It is not our policy to exchange sale items, especially after they have been worn. I understand you would like an exchange unfortunately; all sale item purchases are final. 18. You neglected to sign the enclosed contract. It appears the enclosed contract has not been sign. 19. I received your letter, in which you assert that our shipment was three days late. We apologize for the inconvenience; It appears our shipment was three days late. 20. You failed to enclose your instructions for your new will. Enclosing instructions will avoid any mistakes with your new will. Bias-Free Language: 21. For an Indian, Maggie certainly is outgoing. Maggie is surely outgoing. 22. He needs a wheelchair, but he doesn’t let his handicap affect his job performance. His physical disabilities do not affect his job performance. 23. A pilot must have the ability to stay calm under pressure, and then he must be trained to cope with any problem that arises. A pilot must have the ability to stay calm under pressure, and must be trained to cope with any problem that arises. 24. Candidate Renata Parsons, married and the mother of a teenager, will attend the debate. Candidate Mrs. Renata Parsons will attend the debate. 25. Senior citizen Sam Nugent is still an active salesman. Sam Nugent is still an active salesman. Message Composition: Selecting Words: 6. We will be opening our new facility this upcoming spring. 27. You can now purchase our new Leaf-Away yard and lawn blower at a considerable price. 28. After the reception, we were surprised that almost everyone invited attended. 29. The new production line has been operating effectively on every run. 30. Over the holiday, we hired a crew to increase the productivity. Message Composition: Selecting Word s: 31. The two reporters pursued every lead enthusiastically. 32. Even large fashion houses have to match staff size to the normal (seasonal ups and downs). 33. The intense colors in that ad are keeping customers from seeing what we have to sell. 34. Health costs upsurge when management forgets to emphasize safety issues. 35. Once we solved the zoning issue, new business construction advanced, and the district has been flourishing ever since. Message Composition: Selecting Words: 36. Being a jack-of-all-trades, Dave worked well in his new selling job As a fast learner, Dave worked well in his new selling job. 37. Moving Leslie into the accounting department, where she was literally a fish out of water, was like putting a square peg into a round hole, if you get my drift. Without any prior skills, Leslie was moved in the accounting department. 38. I knew she was at death’s door, but I thought the doctor would pull her through. I was aware of her health but assumed the doctor could find ways to prolong her time frame. 39. Movies aren’t really my cup of tea; as far as I am concerned, they can’t hold a candle to a good book. I’m not really fond of movies; they don’t have originality compared to reading. 40. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there in the rat race of the asphalt jungle. It’s a cold world out there and there are challenges to make it successfully. Message Composition: Selecting Words: 41. Management established the recycling policy six months ago. 42. You can convey the same meaning without applying the same words. 43. You’ll never be promoted unless you make an effort to be more patient. 44. I have to wait until payday to determine whether I got the raise or not. 45. John will send you a copy, once he’s inserted all the changes you’ve requested. 46. Grand Tree produces office furniture that is both durable and attractive. 47. I understand from your letter that you expect a full refund; however your warranty expired more than a year ago.

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