Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Battle Of The Confederate Flags - 1118 Words

The Confederate flags those hung in the campus of Harvard University on March, 1991 triggered many controversial disputes among the faculty of the Harvard community. Many students argued with the hanging of those offensive flags in the window of the dormitory are the symbols of Slavery and offer many offensive message, while others claimed that those symbols are the form of freedom of speech and it should be protected according to the First Amendment. The Harvard faculty did not react to the incident that happened on the campus until President Bok s speech on March 12. Derek Bok, he was the president of Harvard University, he implied that he is not the supporter for both sides. When he stood up for the justice and solved the disagreements that have risen up within the Harvard community, he appeared to imply carefully and rethink as a highly educated lawyer. His ideas and suggestions for resolving the problem, unlike the other universities and colleges, they were peaceful and properly conducted. Bok comments that when speaking about the universities who have â€Å"enacted codes to protect their communities from forms of speech that are deemed to be insensitive to the feelings of other groups† Bok created caution that these universities actually ignored or even violated the First Amendment. This controversial incident risen up one the campus of Harvard University, and it leaded to a protest because of some students displayed a swastika, a very offensive symbol for minorities.Show MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1070 Words   |  5 Pagespride or statement of hate? Many people have strong opinions when it comes to the Confederate Flag; many others are not as educated as they think they are on this topic. When it comes to what the civil war was really caused by, and what the Flag really stands for, people tend to make up their own conclusions. There is much about the Confederacy’s side of the war that isn’t taught in schools or re ported on the news. The Flags of the Confederacy are prominent figures in American History. The Civil WarRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1695 Words   |  7 Pagestrifles, Americans cannot seem to agree upon anything. One of these seemingly pointless issues is whether the rectangular Second Confederate Navy Jack and the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia, or as many people call the â€Å"confederate flag†, should be banned. It is difficult to discern what exactly set off this movement, the fact of the matter is that the confederate flag has been used for years with no apparent backlash, but has become an issue of controversy. This debate has raised legitimate concernRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag2086 Words   |  9 Pagesthere has been many flags that represent something unique of a nation. Flags that symbolizes our freedom and pride of becoming part of that nation. These flags give us the motivation and strength to fight until the end for the protection of our nation. However, as years went by, many different flags have brought about many co ntroversies that have resulted in the fall and disappearance of them, all except one, the Confederate Flag. The Confederate flag is a well-known historical flag all around the UnitedRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1719 Words   |  7 PagesThe confederate flag has been a symbol of power that has caused oppression throughout its existence, but recently, more than ever, it has come under fire due to its association with racism. In June of 2015, Dylann Roof executed nine people inside of a Black church in South Carolina. As the media began to dig into this homegrown terrorist s background, they uncovered symbols that he attached his ideologies to. One prominent symbol was the confederate flag. In the immediate following weeks there wereRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1106 Words   |  5 PagesThe Confederate flag remains to be a hot topic that is drawing a lot of controversy in the state of Mississippi. Some individuals feel that the flag has a right to be flyin g all over the state; while, others can see it removed completely. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail four important topics as follows: (1) the history of the Confederate flag, (2) the economic impact, (3) state agencies and municipalities’ stance and (4) the Legislative position concerning the issue. The flag originatedRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag977 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I first came across the Negative Views assignment, I immediately thought of the Confederate Flag. It was an obvious choice considering all the attention and the controversy surrounding it in the past few weeks. For me personally, if I was asked six months ago what I thought about the Confederate flag, I would say I loosely associated it with the term â€Å"redneck.† I looked up the definition of â€Å"redneck† on Internet Slang and it said redneck means, â€Å"Unsophisticated rural person from Southeast USARead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag954 Word s   |  4 PagesMany, in the new era, do not know the history behind the meaning of a true rebel. The definition of rebel has changed in America from patriot in the time of the American Revolutionary war to confederate in the Civil War and to redneck in today’s societal controversy concerning the image of the Confederate flag. The first definition of rebel originates from the term of patriot from the Revolutionary War. The definition of rebel in the colonies during the Revolutionary War time was a person who wasRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Battle Flag1367 Words   |  6 PagesExtinction All the conflict the Confederate battle flag has raised in the past month elevates the question â€Å"should the flag stay up or be taken down.† Many states have already taken it down from official buildings. Other questions appear asking if the flag symbolizes racism or heritage. As said by Coulter â€Å"Think of all the actual people you know, Southern or Yankee. Have any of them ever expressed support for slavery? Ever, ever, ever? No they haven t† (Battle Over Flag).No one wants to see slaveryRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag956 Words   |  4 PagesAlabama today is full of discrimination, confederate flags, and hatred towards black people. Many white Americans in the south will argue that the confederate flag represents their â€Å"culture† and their historical background, which I find ludicrous. The confederate flag flew under the laws of the confederacy where racism and slavery were openly accepted, if not encouraged, in the states of the confe deracy. People that encourage the flight of the confederate flag have not considered that part of historyRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1208 Words   |  5 Pagespresence of the Confederate flag. Apparently, there is a common perception among Democrats that the Confederates are associated with racial crime and hate in America. The suspect behind the shooting in Charleston has confessed that he acted about the idea of white supremacy in the South. A large section of the American population agrees the flag is a symbol of racism since it was established in honor of white civil war soldier who wanted to preserve slavery in the region. Interestingly, the flag has remained

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