Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Renaissance Period in English Poetry in Poems To His Coy Mistressby Andrew Marvell and The Good Morrow by John Donne Free Essay Example, 3000 words

The expression that love controls other sights further appears to indicate the degree of exclusivity the lovers enjoy because their love appears to have inhibited their desire to look upon anything else other than each other. The poet appears to indicate that their joining has been a union of souls that have emerged out of their strong desire for one another. Their closeness is further reinforced in the following lines: My face in thine eye; thine in mine appears, And true plain hearts do in the faces rest. (Donne, 2: 15-16). This clearly illustrates how the identity of each of the lovers has become inextricably intertwined with the identity of the other. The desire existing between them has brought them so close together that their individual identity has in effect, been destroyed. At this point, the poet seems very contended with the new little world they have created together (Zaragoza, 2007), where the merging of the identities of the two lovers is suggested through the reflec tion of the image of each in the other s eyes. In describing this blissful state of the two lovers, the poet earlier makes a reference to the lovers being in the Seven Sleepers den. We will write a custom essay sample on The Renaissance Period in English Poetry in Poems To His Coy Mistressby Andrew Marvell and The Good Morrow by John Donne or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This is a reference to the legend of the Seven Sleepers, dealing with the story of seven young Christians who were walled into a cave to die but fell into a miraculous sleep instead, to awaken years later. (Donne and Redpath, 3). This further reinforces the implication that the lovers are completely lost in each other, to the point where the rest of the world is walled out and they are submerged into each other, with the identity of the one being lost in an eternal sleep-like state of desire in the other. In this case, the poet seeks to convey the feeling of the lovers being wrapped up exclusively in each other, so that their identities are also wrapped up in terms of the love they feel for each other and their image of themselves as a couple deeply in love also conditions the identity of their individual selves as being a part of that couple.

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